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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

November 3, 2010 - Feedback Session on Strategies Implemented #2

Continued - Discuss your thoughts regarding the strategies implemented.


  1. Julie, Jose and Liz,

    My hats off to you! Your presentation on writing a letter to a friend task was an eye opener. The behaviors you have to work with day to day were astounding. We forget the Alternative students need to be educated while there in the school. Your jobs require a great deal of patience and creativity.

  2. The insight into the transferability of credits and stateside school experience that Janice talked about was very informative. I ofcourse could relate to that as I said in my speech I had a experience this summer with the school system in New Mexico. It would be wise for anyone who plans to leave Guam to familiar with the city they are going to and find out what is required to teach there, the pay, the licensure and cost of living. It is not always greener on the other side. I would like to say it is much better to teach here in many ways even if we do not have everything we want.

  3. Good Day Everyone,

    Sorry, I could not remember who the presenter was who did a power point presentation on the SAT-10 item analysis; she made comparisons on the pre and posttest as part of her school's data collection. I am not sure if she's an assistant principal or principal of her school. I found her presentation useful in measuring student outcome. Anyone reading my blog, please help me identify who she is. I'm only interested in getting a copy of her presentation. My email address is: joey.paulino@yahoo.com

    Thanking you in advance for your time and patience.

  4. I am finding through the journal readings what the education trends nationally, globally, and in the American Federated of Teachers union's position. One of them is the outcome of teacher assessments in the classroom and then offering an overview of national and local practices. I am looking forward to finishing this part of the course.
    I want to suggest that the findings be made as a presentation in another course. Also, presentations on Guam trends by school, their philosophy, mindset on assessment, activities, accreditation outcomes and principal's goals whether met or not. Just a suggestion that I would look to. Research papers that have been significant on the progression of all educational entities of Guam to include DODEA.
    One more idea is to have teachers come together and coordinate a conference of their pick that will and can impact the community as a whole. I feel, we don't have enough collaboration among one another that could benefit all stakeholders. My motive is to learn from them, socialize, and enact our expertise and prowress that will drop problems and establish a strong cadre of educators to set the tone and standards and I believe will only produce success.

  5. Another type of assessment that I thought was very interesting was the use of a portfolio at the 1st grade level. I do not recall the name of the teacher who presented that strategy, but I thought that was very brave of her to take on such a risk, and it seemed like it really paid off! Many teachers would probably be very intimidated to actually carry out a portfolio in any grade level--let alone in elementary. But, I like how she was able to manage the students' work, and call them in separately to see how they were progressing in the class. In addition, it also like how it showcases the students work, instead of the traditional assessments itself. Furthermore, parents can see what their child is doing in the classroom, which makes the teachers work more credible. Just as I have read in the journal article articles, authentic assessments such as the portfolio that this particular teacher presented are definitely worthwhile!

  6. Like Gil, as part of my reflections, I decided to focus on Janice’s presentation on teacher certification and accountability based on her first-hand experience at a high-performing school in Phoenix, AZ. First of all, I would like to commend her for having gone through such rigorous professional development, rife with challenges and accountability. As she was explaining the process of getting certified, I couldn’t help it but think about the disservice teachers on island are subjected to. One would think that letting poorly-trained/prepared teachers enter/stay in the system is fine since it’s better for students to have an "underdeveloped" teacher than none. Some others may think that, on such a small island, we really don’t need rigorous professional training or accountability since it’s Guam and not, let’s say, the home of such high schools as Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (best rated high school in the nation this year, according to US News). But I beg to differ. The feeling of incompetence breeds low morale and insecurity at ALL levels and for all the stakeholders.
    I sense that part of our laissez-faire mentality is due to the knowledge that our educational and professional systems can only provide minimally to those in our profession. Therefore, there might be a sense of guilt at work here. We know that the sink-or-swim philosophy can go only so far. If we want quality, we must insist that all educators be truly competent in their respective areas via rigorous training and constant accountability (as highlighted by Janice) and ensure that the path that leads to becoming a competent professional in education here on Guam be one that those who chose it should be proud of.

  7. Thank you Richard! It was me Rosanne Lastimoza from LBJ elementary. Our school implemented it due to our accreditation visit back in 2008. Like I was saying in my presentation, I was using the Letter to a friend, and KWL on voting. We are still doing the unit and my end assessment would be the letter and completion of the KWL. I will also administer the unit assessment tool for the text. This give the student a choice of using the Letter or the KWL. The unit assessment is not encouraged in the portfolios.
    Yesterdays presentation on the SAT10 scores I thought would have been useful for our school. We actually sit as a grade level and go over each item of our SAT10 that shows our strengths and weaknesses. We look at the compendium to help guide us and determine how to incorporate that skill into our lesson. This is also included in our Common Planning Time. Once a month, First Grade teachers get their classes covered for the last part of the day. We meet to address skills that are important and plan for the next month. At the end of the meeting, every teacher must submit a dialogue work in session sheet. This comfirms the goals and objectives as well as the plans. On top of Common Planning Time (CPT), we meat as TEAM. Kinder and First grade teachers meet to address events (old business and new business)that our school does.
    Then we have Focus Group meetings for accreditation. Not to mention Leadership meetings for all chairpersons within the Focus Groups. Yes, we do so much both in the class as well as outside. We are a busy school, and I am glad to be a part of it. It's a learning experience.

  8. I commend everyone in their presentations on the implementation of teaching & assessment strategies. Despite the time limitations, everyone provided great insights about teaching for me to reflect on.

    Based on the rigor & relevance of teaching standards & expectations from Jan's presentation that is already occurring in the mainland,we as educators need to reflect on this for Guam which I'm sure will be forthcoming soon to DOE . Accountability of student performance and achievement will be the key word in acquiring salary increments in the near future.

    I liked the progressive portfolio that has been implemented at LBJ. It is great that it can be possibly done for all students from K-12 but electronically. We can do electronic portfolios for teachers and administrators as well which reflects authentic assessments for each academic school year! The advantages of computer technology has made teaching and learning much more interesting as we address Gardner's levels of learning & understanding!

    Thank you all for sharing! Keep up the great work!

  9. Thank you Janice...indeed, everyday is a challenge at our school. I've also learned a lot and still learning more each day. Like I said, there's more redirection that needs to be done on top of the students' academic needs.

    Overall, the presentations were all well done....and to all...thank you also for sharing your implementations.

  10. Thank you Dr. Rivera for making this a hybrid course. I do have many insights to reflect on.

  11. Can some high school teachers try my Christmas wish list assignment? I want to see how the students would like it. My aircon broke so the next month is going to be interesting.

    I plan on using storytelling next. We do not have computers so i will use butcher paper; we have alot of that. Let me work on my reflection paper now.

  12. The following presentations that can be applicable to my role as a school leader is perhaps the LBJ portfolio for each student to document student progress as evidence for accreditation. Some of you inquired about Dr. Soe's item analysis, email me at jpceria@gmail.com so that I can send the file. I also reflected on the accountability system that Janice experienced when she taught off island. It will be interesting if we can have the same type of accountability on our island, this way, teachers can also obtain incentive pay for raising the bar in student achievement.

  13. Hello everyone! Again I commend everybody for the awesome presentations last night November 2nd. Today November 3rd is the day that as a school we administer the pilot test on the standards based assessment project of GDOE. Today, I went around to check a couple of classes were the test is being administered. Generally, everything went well. I did observed a lot of teachers are doing a lot of team work. It is reassuring to see that they are taking this seriously and professionally. The test also took more than 45 minutes some students even had to extend for another period. Well, tomorrow will be a fun day for me for I will be cleaning up the test documents. yehey! I will also be going through the demographics which would spice up my day! So, wish me luck! and thank you!

  14. All presentations were very informative. Slyvia's digital storytelling project is quite interesting. Her pictures are beautiful. And I liked how she appreciated every student's ideas and errors.
    I have a similar lesson.
    Two months ago, my students and I held a storytelling session. There were two stages. In the first stage, students used their digital cameras to record stories from local storytellers. Next, they used movie maker to add catchy graphics, music and then incorporated props and actors (parents, brothers, cousins, or classmates). The creativity was wonderful. The final product was a homemade storytelling DVD which we watched in class.
    The second stage of project was an oral storytelling performance to our neighboring honors class. My Students wrote original stories. Then they used the power of their voice, presentation and acting skills to bring their stories to life.

    Assessment and accountability has always been important in my classroom, this conference/course reenforced its value.

  15. Wow, the power just turned on! What happened? Was the power outage islanwide? Almost didn't blog because I thought the outage was going to last until tomorrow!
    Good Evening Everyone...Well, back to blogging!
    YES...I do agree with Janice...teachers at the Alternative School have to have a lot of "patience and creativity!" Also, "E" mentioned a lot of "redirection for these students need to be done on top of students academic needs!"

  16. I agree with Paul...Presentations last night were
    "awesome!" Also, I agree with you Annette.."All presentations were informative!"

  17. Tomorrow, the students will continue with their "Book About Ancient Greece!" Hopefully, they can complete it tomorrow or at least on Friday. After the completion of their book, they get to share it with the class. After all presentations are done by students, then I will ask the students to write on a sheet of paper..."What do you know about Ancient Greece?" Just wanted to compare the Pre and Post Assessments!

  18. Hi Everyone! I almost forgot that we needed to blog, due to the power outage. Thank goodness it's back on!!

    Again, I really enjoyed the presentations yesterday. I truly learned a lot from them and am really impressed with everyone's dynamic sharing. One of the presentations that stood out to me was the teacher who got her ESL students motivated in her science class by doing fun experiments which made them want to get involved in the project. The ice cream experiment seemed like a real hit, and she was able to get the students to write much more than they normally would. It is evident that learning was taking place because all were involved in the process.

    The LBJ portfolios are wonderful and a great way to demonstrate progress during the elementary school years. I agree with Beverly, it would be interesting to carry it on all the way up through high school, so students, parents, and all others involved in the child's education can assess progress.

  19. Hi All,

    Thanks Annette! I have always appreciated my students as long as I see some efforts from them. I did however admire your creativity. Teachers are fun when they are very creative.
    Like I mentioned yesterday, due to time constraint, My Digital Story Telling Strategy was imperfect but being so create a whole new lessons to teach the students from their mistakes and students rather appreciate it than being bored. It was a fun lesson. The students work and performance are already part of assessment.
    I was very proud of myself in accomplishing this strategy. Of course, I was very please with my students more so. Thanks again Dr. Rivera!

  20. I hope I made it because the power just came back in!

    Oh before I forget...Sana I did the portfolio binder when I was teaching Language Art in 7th grade. It was very neat! All my parents liked it.

  21. Hi everyone. I apologize for not staying throughtout the presentation. My cough and cold is still hitting me, but the few that I listened too were impressive. jonALyn , I agree with your presentation. I would like to request the information you have from Dr. Soe's item analysis. My e-mail is rayalicto@hotmail.com. Our school system could use this type of accountability to insure we are traking areas for improvement.

  22. I was in the middle of a post when the power went off -- and yes I believe it was islandwide. I ended up falling asleep and just woke up for my baby's next feeding -- so here is my retyped blog.

    I thoroughly enjoyed everyone's presentations. I would like to encourage teachers of JFK to use Jonalyn's assessment spreedsheet template. As she mentioned, as an UMS teacher, we were asked/ "required" to use those types of assessment documents at the end of each quarter for accountability. I only wish that all faculty would see the benefit of analyzing student data in such a way that you can honestly see that assessing students for attainment of skills is the best thing for the student and teacher.
    I loved the LBJ portfolio binder, the use of the "write a letter to a freind" strategies, and of course the digital storytelling. They provide great feedback to the student and teacher. Great Job everyone!!

  23. Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know that I am going to miss blogging. Its funny in a way as I read all your comments and then its my turn and I think, "how can I add to this, I should of been first!"

    I didn't see any comments on Bobbie Babauta's presentation on pre-assessments with the "Gingerbread man" template. It was the one where we were given crayons and needed to listen and color our person. Remember? Well, Bobbie, can you send the directions again? I want to finish my "Gingerbread Man" and complete my pre-assessment interest.

    Thank you Jonalyn for sharing your powerpoint on skill assessments. To all those that presented with powerpoint, will you over-achievers step down. Just kidding, just jealous, just happy that we are classmates! Really enjoyed the presentations by everyone.

  24. Thank you everyone for sharing.

    Great job Roseanne! Thank you for all your hard work as our grade level chairwoman. :)

    Jonalyn, can you please email me your presentation...my email is lynnetteq@gmail.com

    The SAT 10 item anaylisis is very useful data, however, we did not get it this year. At LBJ, we use the item analysis to target specific skills our students have little to no mastery of, and set goals to address these areas throughout the year. In reviewing the item analysis for several years, we have noticed that our students continue to struggle with the same skills in language.

    There has been much talk about creating criterion reference assessments for our students. I really hope this comes to fruition in the near future. These assessments will allow teachers to teach the skills and standards that will be tested. It will also allow teachers to look at their data more frequently and create lessons that will truly focus on students’ academic needs.


  25. Thank you everyone for your feedback on the presentations...I'm glad that one of my teachers was able to share Student Portfolio that we implement at our school. The students are actually the ones that showcase their portfolio to their parents. When they do this, they are also able to monitor their progress throughout the year. It's great to empower our students!

  26. All the presentations were impressive. Many used similar assessment methods and got various result and that is the beauty of being unique individuals. The presentations gave me so much information on how the assessment methods can be applied to different education areas. Our class was consisted of professionals in many areas of education and the presentations gave me many ideas on how to use the assessments that I learned from the conference.

    One thing that I was reminded of by the presentations is the questioning technique. I also find it difficult to control myself from providing leading questions or answers. In counseling, it is important to have as much information that we can in order to effectively assist students and that is when questioning takes place. During the class presentations of such technique I was reminded how it can be very challenging to many and that I need to continue practicing how to properly utilize this method.

  27. I want to congratulate everyone for a well done presentation. I want to blog last night, but someone forgot to pay the dang power. However, I believe we did a great job and I wish everyone well…. Fun Group!

  28. Sana wrote, "Yes, we do so much both in the class as well as outside. We are a busy school, and I am glad to be a part of it."
    Articulation among teachers, administrators, support staff is very important for a school to function well and absolutely essential for accreditation! Hence, educators must carve time to meet on a consistent basis.

  29. Part of my practicum also geared towards our Reform Program "Success For All" (SFA). Majority of my faculty and staff were trained in the Solutions Network Component to support the SFA program and provide much needed academic and behavioral interventions for all students. They were also engaged in collaborative discussions on a regualr basis through an established Professional Learning Communities (PLC) combining the initiatives of the Solutions Network Components and WASC Focus Groups to build leadership capacity and increase student learning.

  30. I really enjoyed reading the blogs from everyone. One thing i learned from this course is blogging, thanks to my colleague Geri! Updating myself with the latest technological advances is not something i venture into unless i have to, but I'm glad I learned!

    Thanks everyone for sharing thier practicum experience. I'm sure that we in one way or another will utilize the strategies presented.

    The one thing that amazed me especially after reading my journal articles on assessment and measurement instruments is how much emphasis gdoe places on one standardized instrument for measuring student achievement. I tend to agree with the authors of my articles that multiple assessment instruments are needed if we want to get an accurate measure of the whole child. Some of the instruments used in the practicums presented were mentioned like pre and post tests, student portfolios, item analysis etc.

    Thanks to all for sharing and thanks Dr. Rivera for understanding. Enjoyed all the additional knowledge I gained from this course. Adios Everyone and Good Luck for the rest of the 2010-2011 school year.
